Waow sir/ma'am
My heartiest congratulations for the recent façade of a success of your recent Masala action scenes compilation. The success party even made to those paid prime time news. That’s really something. Obviously we live in the most progressive era where there are absolutely no issues to talk about. That reminds me though, the love story shoved in the film was a new touch. I think it was revolutionary. I watched the film with my mother and she threw up just before the interval. The movie was great!
I write this in regard to that much publicized elite advertisement which shows only in star kids' newspapers. TL;DR I could be your hero. *smirk*
As you must have noticed, I have already began appearing in my parents' press conferences for better limited exposure. Yes I am the Taimur Ali Khan. I am the royal blood and the only one of my name, the prince to the imaginary throne and salvation for entertainment journalists. The constant camera flashes and awww's and ooh's for the past twenty years have elevated my sense of self-importance and my alertness around lenses. But I do make a point to come out as a shy, humble and down to earth celebrity who doesn’t like attention, simultaneously making sure to give out ample sneak peaks to paparazzi. I am not active on any social networking sites. My mother tells me you do that only after you have cashed in all the hype.
I have done a few portfolio shoots. I have attached a few good pictures of mine(read six packs; two real, four Photoshopped), but I can carry any kind of look. Believe me, I’m the kid who pulled off a poopy pants look when I was 2 years old and I haven’t lost touch. I have attached recommendation letters from my past girlfriends along with their contact information for verification. My girlfriends have all been very high maintenance difficult-to-please women but I have impressed them all.
I have also attached a consent letter from AbRam Khan which states he has no issues with his name being floated as my closest buddy. He has consented for any sort of angle your creative slaves suggest. We are even comfortable with any gay rumours as well. You can even make a movie on the gay couple who were lynched recently. I am all for any cause as and when necessary. I can even be patriotic or a victim. We can even make this all a paid prime time news gig. Progressive times indeed!
Of course my parents will promote the movie for free, except for some gifts you can announce for them. Thus would give you liberty to spend almost nothing on production and everything on promotion. Actually we don’t want the debut to be any good, as the trends say good debuts lead to bad careers. We will buy a few awards later. We just want maximum exposure.
Oh this was supposed to be a cover letter. I think I am sharing too many ideas. But it has always been like this between us, hasn’t it?...
Aargghh, fuck it! Yeah, this is Saif. Just cast my son in a movie, dude. My mother-in-law is going crazy over this.
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